<aside> 💡 Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more about our organization.


fuse.space is an award-winning startup founded and based in Hamburg.

At fuse.space, we believe that collaboration is a deeply human activity that is key to unlocking creativity and innovation. However, we recognize that a lack of trust and security can often be a major obstacle to the free exchange of ideas and work.

That's why we've developed a workspace that is not only easy to use, but also provides comprehensive protection for the intellectual property of creatives. It is the perfect blend of file sharing and messaging. We understand how important it is for you to feel secure when sharing your ideas and creations with others. Our platform is designed to give you that peace of mind.

Our award-winning startup is based in Hamburg, and our team is made up of experienced, curious, and ambitious people from all over the world. We are united by our mission to free ideas and connect the world in their ideas.

Whether you're an artist, designer, writer, scientist, or student, or anyone else involved in the process, we want to help you collaborate more effectively and securely than ever before. So, if you're looking for a workspace that puts your needs first and provides the protection you deserve, look no further than fuse.space.

Missing: Ammar, Danoura, Julia Löwe, Oliver Kwast, Gösta Wellmer, Stefan Karl & Bela Kreuchauf

Missing: Ammar, Danoura, Julia Löwe, Oliver Kwast, Gösta Wellmer, Stefan Karl & Bela Kreuchauf