Creating a workspace on is a breeze. Here's how you bring a new 'space' to life:

  1. Initiate Creation: Simply click on the "+" icon. This action kickstarts the creation of your new space.
  2. Personalize Your Space: Upload a cover image that resonates with the theme or purpose of your space. It not only adds a visual touch but also aids in quickly identifying your space among others.
  3. Name Your Space: Assign a descriptive name to your space. Whether it's for a project, a team, or just an idea, a fitting name makes all the difference.

Once set, you've now established a secure, personalized space ready for collaboration or individual work. Welcome to a realm where your ideas thrive safely.

Space Overview_Help.png

Upload a space cover and name your space

Upload a space cover and name your space

Click create to have secure space to exchange your ideas

Click create to have secure space to exchange your ideas Help Center & FAQ